Knowing the Difference Between Privacy and Security

Privacy and security tend to be interchangeable these days. However,  these two days are totally different from each other. They may be related to one another, but it is best to have them both to ensure optimal cybersecurity.

What’s the difference?

You may ask, how do you tell them apart? Well, I will discuss how privacy and security are connected. First, let’s start with privacy, and it pertains your rights and control over your personal information. For instance, when you upload something online, you should have a say on how your information is used. Just look at those apps you download on the App Store and Google Play Store. You allow these smartphone apps access your contents, storage, location, and so on.

Meanwhile, security refers to how your information is protected. Your personal data includes things such as places you visited, people you interacted with, and other details you may not necessarily disclose to the public.

In short, privacy is about how your data is used, and security is about how your data is protected. Some people may think these two are the same thing, but they are not. They intertwine though, and overlap in the digital landscape of things.

To further protect you from online threats, it important to know the difference between privacy and security.

Let’s further expound…

For example, you open a bank account under your name. You provide NOT just the money, but also your personal information.

  1. Both privacy and security are guaranteed.

    • The bank should make a point to keep things private, and they should not disclose that you have deposited an X amount of money. At the same time, the bank should secure the money you have entrusted them.
  2. Privacy may be compromised, but security is enforced.

    • In other instances, your bank could sell your information to other companies. You could have given them permission when you signed the bank documents. That’s why read first the terms and conditions especially if you don’t want your personal details to be exposed to other marketers. However, this doesn’t mean your money is not safe anymore. Only your privacy is compromised in this scenario.
  3. Both privacy and security are compromised.

    • This is the worst case scenario out of the 3 instances. Both your privacy and security are affected, and this can happen through a data breach. When the bank is a victim of a ransomware or any cyber attack, your privacy is at stake and also the security of the money you have deposited.

The tip of the iceberg

These privacy issues don’t just happens in banks. Instead, they could happen in at your favorite restaurant, at a hospital, at the mall, and at any government office. Plus, it is also prevalent in the online world. So, I may have used a hypothetical organization as an example. But when you think about it, your personal data are constantly at risk. Whether in the offline and online, cybercriminals could get a hold of your personal data. Hence, privacy should go hand in hand with security, and vice versa. It is best to always consider both!

In the next post, I will be discussing the Tips in Maintaining Privacy & Security.




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