The Mistakes You Are Probably Making With Your Business Telephone System

Telephone systems are still widely used by businesses amidst technological advancements. Due to their flexibility and dependability, they remain to be the mainstay of communication in businesses, especially in larger enterprises. Like many aspects of business however, they are sometimes neglected or their potential isn’t fully utilized. What this does is create missed opportunities where there could have been improvements.

If you use business telephony in the workplace, below are the 6 most common mistakes you could be making.


Mistake #1 – You haven’t updated your hardware

It’s no secret that communication systems evolved quickly over the past decade. Given this fast pace, there’s a huge chance you were unable to keep up with trends in the business milieu. Your telephone system’s hardware is likely one of them.

If you integrated telephony into your business setting somewhere in the last 5 to 10 years and haven’t changed its system, then you are guilty of committing this mistake. Another clue is if you never opted for a managed business telephone system. Because if you did,  your provider would have updated your telephones and made sure their hardware was adapted to the times.


Mistake #2 – You settled for limited features

Failure to upgrade your telephone’s hardware could only mean that you missed out on a lot of cool features. Newer systems are no longer plagued by the limitations of their predecessors. They would have helped with better productivity and communication in the workplace. And in turn, your business could have benefitted from more efficient business processes.


Mistake #3 – Poor communication infrastructure

Outdated telephone systems such as SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) are usually expensive and difficult to set up. Both may have prevented your company from installing telephone systems in various locations. This causes inconsistencies in communicative infrastructure, which in turn leads to operational interruptions.


Mistake #4 – You haven’t trained your staff

Updating your business telephone system is not enough. You have to invest some time and money in training them on its use. It ensures that the system’s full range of features are put to good use, and that business operations are smooth and effective.


Mistake #5 – Bad customer service

A lackluster telephone system doesn’t just affect the operational aspects of business. Customers also take the brunt of it. The combination of outdated hardware, feature limitations, poor structuring, and untrained staff can negatively impact your customers’ experience. As a business, losing customers is the last thing you’d want to happen.


Mistake #6 – You’re paying too much

Business telephones don’t come free. You do have to pay bills to keep them afloat. Unfortunately, older systems are usually expensive to maintain.


Solving Your Business Telephone System Dilemma

You may have made mistakes, but it’s not too late to make changes in your business telephony. The two most viable solutions include opting for a managed system and upgrading to VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol).

A managed business telephone system provides the assurance of up-to-date phone hardware with the latest features. The right provider can help establish an infrastructure that meets your needs. Choosing VoIP over other systems will also enhance business operations at a friendly cost.

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